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Who is Walter Murphy? YSL co-founder negotiates plea deal along with Gunna in RICO case

The co-owner of YSL, Walter Murphy, recently made a plea deal for Gunna and was sent to prison for 10 years along with nine years of probation.

Murphy's probation comes under certain rules which state that he must testify in the trial whenever he is called. Murphy has been named among those accused of participating in criminal street gang activity.

Everything known about Walter Murphy

Walter Murphy was claimed to be the co-founder of YSL along with Young Thug and another individual whose identity was not disclosed. Other details about his personal and professional life are currently unavailable.

Murphy surrendered in June 2022 and was also charged with violating RICO and aggravated assault. His lawyers said at the time that he was sent to prison for seven years.

Murphy claimed that he was the road manager of YSL at one point. According to their attorneys, YSL is simply a record label and not a criminal organization like it has been claimed in the past.

Gunna was the first artist to join YSL Records, and artists like YoungBoy Never Broke Again, Lil Baby, and others also joined the record label.

Young Thug's trial is scheduled to take place next month and Gunna released

Also known as Sergio Kitchens, he pleaded guilty to racketeering conspiracy. Another accused, Young Thug, is yet to stand trial, which is scheduled to be held next month.

Young Thug and Gunna were among the accused (Image via Prince Williams/Getty Images)

Amidst all this, a few more charges have been imposed on Thug stemming from an incident that happened last year. The charges include street racing, reckless driving, and speeding.

Thug was accused of being one of the founders of YSL alongside Sergio. The latter stated that YSL seemed like a group interested in music. After being released recently, Sergio stated that he was not willing to testify during the trial and is not aiming to live a life of freedom by charging others.

Gunna was released after he entered a plea deal called an Alford Plea. Gunna was ordered on probation along with 500 hours of community service. His attorneys have been trying to get him released, but the bail requests were rejected, fearing that the evidence might get tampered with.

Sergio, along with 27 others were charged with violation of RICO and arrested in May 2022. Gunna's residence was also raided by agents and Young Thug was transported to Fulton County.

RICO Act and the charges explained

Young Thug was arrested alongside Gunna in May 2022 and was accused of violating the RICO Act. Several other charges were imposed on them, including murder, armed robbery, and substance and weapon possession.

The charges were imposed during a press conference the same month by the District Attorney's office and Fulton County Sheriff's Department. According to District Attorney Fani Willis,

"It does not matter what notoriety is or what your fame is, if you come to Fulton County Georgia, you commit crimes, and certainly if those crimes are in furtherance of a street gang, that you are going to become a target and a focus of this District Attorney's office, and we are going to prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law."

The charges emerged from incidents that happened between January 24, 2013, and May 8, 2022. The RICO Act was enacted in 1970 and aims to put an end to organized crime in the United States.

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